When One Door Closes, Another Opens.

Sorry it’s been awhile since my last post. This past month has definitely been a roller coaster ride for me and I am just now starting to get back into some sort of routine. In past posts I have said how I feel like I am still at a crossroad with no inkling as to which direction to go next. It almost feels like I’m at a standstill, stuck in a place where people all around me are on the fast track to adulthood and I am super-glued to the ground. Then something happens that rattles everything and gives you a new perspective. For me, that happened when my grandfather passed away earlier this month.
            Before you stop reading this, I want to be clear that this is not a post about how depressing a situation like this can be. Remember, I tell my story in hopes that someone reading this may relate or close their computer with a new perspective. I was lucky enough to grow up in a family that constantly pushed me to be a better person. My Pop-pop was the type that, no matter what the situation, always wanted to learn something. Thankfully he taught me to do the same. When he passed away I realized he had accomplished so much and really did live his life to the very fullest. He had a wonderful family, was active in charity work and his community, found time to travel the world and document it all through his love of photography. He wrote books and was adamant about teaching our generation about the importance of history. He did so much and that should be celebrated.  It took reflecting on his life to re-inspire me to truly live mine.  
            One thing that I am so happy I learned from my Pop was the importance of seeing the world and learning from everyone you meet. So when my trip to Mexico came about soon after, I realized this was the perfect opportunity to relax and take in a new experience. I explored fresh water caves, swam with fish and had the time of my life with two of my best friends. It was exactly what I needed to kick start this new chapter.
            I was lucky to have such an amazing person affect my life in such a pivotal way. I realize now, more than ever, the importance of taking advantage of every situation and experiencing new things with new people. While most of us are going about our days working and taking care of our families, please remember to stop and appreciate the fact that you’re here, in the moment, seeing the things your seeing and doing the things you’re doing. It can call change in a second and when your time ultimately comes, will you be satisfied with what you’ve accomplished and who you became?

Here’s to setting new goals, meeting new people and planning new trips. My bank account may shrink but at least I know I’ll have one hell of an angel guiding me along the way.

Until next time,

Thanks Pop.
