s t a n d s t i l l

Its been a little over three months since I made the move to Florida and to be honest, it feels like life has never moved more quickly. I've settled into my job, met some amazing people I'm lucky to collaborate with and I am constantly learning something new-which I love. But I don't think I'm alone in saying that it is almost easy to go through each day in auto pilot- I know that I have, especially lately, and to admit that shakes me to my core. 
I've gotten used to moving fast, going from one thing to another, and until recently it didn't seem to be a problem. But then, out of no where, I hit a stand still. I felt the unfamiliar feelings of anxiety begin to creep up in areas of my life that I had previously had in check. Describing that feeling is probably one of the hardest things to do, but to put it simply, its like a tightness in my chest that unfortunately doesn't pass as quickly as I would like it to. While admitting this is tough, I realize that I am not alone in the feeling and if discussing it openly can help someone else - then I'm all for it. 
What I think is most important to get across is that each day is a new opportunity to be the best version of yourself. We're all works in progress and I don't think it hurts to be reminded of that, even if it may feel overwhelming at times. 

So, even on your toughest day, know that I'm here for you. Know that its okay to hit a stand still. Take that time, that life is insisting you see, and use it to evaluate how you can do better, be better and move forward. 

Until next time. xxx 
