Constantly pushing others but never pushing myself

            For as long as I can remember I’ve been a pusher. I listen to what people have to say and try to make them realize how easy they can make things happen for themselves if they just try. My biggest flaw though has been the lack of pushing I’ve done for myself. You see, I’ve gotten too comfortable in my routine; too used to not trying new things, that I’ve started to doubt myself. This is where the root of my “rut” began. I felt stuck for over a year until people around me started making their own “big leaps” and the question “what next?” resurfaced in my daily thoughts. You see, I truly believe that everyone needs to do something to shock their system, jolt their perspective and inspire them to live more fulfilling lives. Sometimes that means hitting rock bottom, other times it means picking yourself up and doing something completely out of your comfort-zone. Watching others make these choices was the exact “jolt” I needed.
            The thing about growing up is that nothing last forever and the shortness of life and everything else around you becomes consuming. People will come and go, but it’s important to take what they have to offer and learn from them. Sometimes the most inspiring people will be a blip in your over all timeline, but that small moment can mean the difference between absorbing the time you have or letting it pass you by.
It’s easy to get caught up in work, relationships and school which makes it even more easy to forget who you are and what you want. At twenty-three I’m not entirely sure I know the complete answers to those questions, but what I do know is that I’m doing everything I can to figure it out.

Until next time,
