You've been sweet to me, OC.

      When I graduated college, I had already been living in Ocean City consistently during the summers for more than a handful of years. It had become a place I loved so much that I’d find any excuse to come down during the school year. Upon graduating I found myself dreading the idea of moving back home but had no idea what direction I wanted to go career-wise, so moving to OC fulltime seemed like the best option I had.
      And it was. In a town where summers are fast paced but slow winters allow endless amounts of free time, living here allowed me to visit fun places and figure things out about myself. I made friends that were the sweetest and nothing but encouraging, and for that I’m incredibly grateful, because I know how lucky I was to fall into a group that treated each other like family.  Living here helped shape me into the person I am.

     Moving here was the easiest decision, choosing to leave was one of the hardest, but I couldn’t be more excited to see what this year has in store for me. For those of you who don't know, im extremely sentimental [judge me I don’t care], but in hopes of not sounding too pathetic I just want to put it out there just how thankful I am to have had this time with these people.

See you babes every few weekends-because face it, I can't stay away for long.

