In today’s world it is so easy to get lost in the shuffle.
There is always a deadline to meet, bills to pay and people to please. What I feel
like we’ve all forgotten is that work and life and love are all interwoven.
That we have a choice to make; do we allow society to dictate what we do or do
we take back control and choose what makes us happy? It all sounds so easy to
do, but I am well aware that it is not. It’s scary to say you don’t want to do
what is expected of you ( breaking any kind of mold is always terrifying ) but
what I have come to realize is that I will never be positive of anything, that
there will always be an excuse as to why I cant do something. But the real
question should be why is that something holding me back?
When someone or something lights a spark within you, you
have to recognize it. Recognize it, appreciate it, soak in all that that person
or thing or experience has to offer you. Start saying yes to things, stop
thinking so much about what you should be doing and start living the life the
way you want to.
Get out there.
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