Twenty-Two w/ a Blank Slate
Today I realized that in two months I will have been out of
college for 1 whole year. To some of you that might not seem very important,
but to me this is mind blowing. I spent some time (and by some time I mean
about 10 minutes) thinking about what I have accomplished and what I have yet
to do. Right as the twinge of anxiety started to set in I thought to myself, “I
am 22 years old, why do I give a flying f*ck?”. Excuse me for my language, but really, why
does society expect me to have a “big girl job” and a white picket fence by 25?
Don’t get me wrong, I have an awesome job where I get to do what I love every
day, but it doesn’t use my degree that I paid thousands for over the course of
four years. I’m also 22 and single, but
since when is that a crime? That’s right it’s not, but for many people in my
situation it might seem like it at times.
I am 20-something and have a completely blank slate in front
of me, yet I am terrified to make my next move. I was raised to dream. I want
to change the world, make a difference in someone’s life, learn new things and
meet new people. Sometimes though, I think I dream so much that I get in my own
way of accomplishing any of them simply for fear that it may not be a “smart”
move. It’s a sad realization, but I am so happy to have realized it now, at 22,
because now I have the rest of my twenties to make these dreams a reality.
I personally think it’s beautiful that a lot of
20-somethings are using this time to “go with the flow” and see where life
brings them. Screw what society thinks we should be doing, and instead sit back
and take advantage of opportunities we would have otherwise missed if we “stuck
to the plan”.
Just keep reminding yourself that you’re not the only one
going through this awkward stage, because really the majority of us are just
20-something and clueless.
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